Easysport – Third-Party App Integration

Third-Party App Integration

Easysport is designed to make your life easier. We devised it just for this purpose. Through its display, you’ll always have close at hand all the notifications you usually check on your smartphone. The operating system of your Easysport can identify on its own which apps can share notifications on the display. WhatsApp notifications, comments on your Facebook posts and much else besides will appear on the display of your Easysport.

Check that you have the latest version available of all your apps and that your operating system is compatible with the Easysport.

Also make sure you don’t have other active or connected apps which share notifications with external displays. The Bluetooth connection may fail to be established or to remain active if there is strong interference in the area where you’re using your device.

Notifications will be displayed if your Easysport is connected via Bluetooth to your smartphone. Please remember that the Bluetooth connection has an operating range between 5 and 7 metres, although it can sometimes reach up to 10 metres, yet surrounding interference can have a major effect on the range. You might have connection issues if you’re at home and there are load-bearing or reinforced concrete walls between your phone and your Easysport.

Checking your connection is very simple: if the (((.))) steady icon appears on the display of your Easysport, it means that the connection is correctly established. If the icon is flashing, it means that the connection is not currently active. Check the section on synchronisation for more information on connections and how to restore them if required.